Colorado Red Rocks Painting Oil & Mixed Media
Colorado Red Rocks Painting Oil & Mixed Media
- Mixed media oil painting
- 18” x 24” on canvas. Canvas edges are less than 1"
- This canvas is ready to hang.
- Framing optional and is not included.
- Front of canvas will be signed by Artist.
- Shipping and tax calculated at checkout.
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"Red Rocks"
Step into this immersive portal to the breathtaking beauty of the iconic Red Rocks in Morrison, Colorado. This masterpiece captures the very essence of the land's history, colors, and energy, creating a visual narrative that will leave you entranced.
Against a canvas of blue skies and billowing clouds, the monumental red rock formations rise with an awe-inspiring presence.
These ancient rocks, sculpted through time over 290 million years ago, exude an ageless wisdom that is palpable. Glimmers of gold leaf dance across the canvas, mirroring the sun's embrace on the crimson cliffs.
A hiking trail winds through the painting, inviting you to embark on a journey into its very heart.
Each stroke of the brush captures the soul of Colorado's unique rock formations, allowing you to reflect on their ageless power and wisdom.